Game Testing Software Tester Software Tester Job Game Tester Job Junior QA Tester Off Campus Drive 2024 Off Campus Drive

Software Tester| Kwalee Off Campus Drive 2024| Hiring for Junior QA Tester| Software Tester Job| Game Tester Job

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Software Tester Kwalee Off Campus Drive 2024 for

या भरती अंतर्गत, Junior QA Tester म्हणून तुम्हाला Game Testing करायची आहे, ज्यामध्ये bug शोधणे आणि document बनवणे हे तुमचे काम असणार आहे. Game मधील सुधारणा आणि बदल सुचवून user experience सुधारण्यासाठी तुम्ही designer, developer आणि programmer यांच्या सोबत जवळून काम कराल. तुम्ही टीम सोबत एकत्रितपणे Game Development प्रक्रियेचा एक महत्त्वाचा भाग असाल, ज्यामुळे end user ला सुंदर आणि आनंददायक Gaming अनुभव देण्यास मदत होईल.

Game Testing
Software Tester
Software Tester Job
Game Tester Job
Junior QA Tester
Off Campus Drive 2024
Off Campus Drive
Game Testing

Kwalee कंपनी आकर्षक आणि नाविन्यपूर्ण गेम तयार करते जे end user ला खेळणे सोपे जाते. ही कंपनी कॅज्युअल आणि हायब्रीड कॅज्युअल गेमच्या development आणि publishing या दोन्हीमध्ये काम करते. फन आणि सर्जनशीलतेवर लक्ष केंद्रित करून या कंपनीने गेमिंग उद्योगात आपला ठसा उमटवला आहे आणि जगातील Gaming करणाऱ्यांसाठी सर्वात मजेदार गेम बनवण्याचा प्रयत्न करते.

Kwalee Hiring 2024 Job Location

या भरती साठी नोकरीचे ठिकाण खाली दिले आहे

  • या भरतीसाठी निवड झालेल्या उमेदवारांना नोकरीचे ठिकाण बेंगलोर असणार आहे.

Kwalee Software Tester Responsibilities

Game Tester या पदाची जबाबदारी काय असणार आहे ती खाली दिलेली आहे

  • Work as a member of the team assigned to a project for testing specific video game titles
  • Testing all our games to find issues in them before the release
  • Identify and produce high quality bug reports including: a detailed description, accurate reproduction steps and severity rating, etc.
  • Documenting the issues into a bug database and assigning them to the relevant member of the development team as well as working with them to ensure the problem is solved.
  • Working with Designers, Artists, and Programmers to improve the overall experience by suggesting improvements and changes.

Kwalee Off Campus Drive 2024 for Junior QA Tester Required Skills

या भरतीसाठी लागणारी कौशल्ये खाली दिली आहेत

  • Strong critical thinking – ability to identify issues and bugs in games
  • Excellent (English)  communication skills – ability to describe identified issues in clear and concise manner
  • A methodical, scientific and analytical mindset
  • Knowledge of the PC, Console and Mobile Platforms in terms of hardware and software
  • Passion for games
  • Strong proficiency in usage of spreadsheets, MS office and PC & internet
  • Ability to work effectively with other team-members
  • Flexibility to adapt to changes in project requirements and instructions, and to work as per shift-timings applicable to project
  • Based in one of our office hubs, following our hybrid model with 3 days per week on-site. 

How to Apply for Kwalee Off Campus Drive 2024 for Junior QA Tester

  • सर्व भारतीय उमेदवार या Kwalee Hiring 2024 साठी अर्ज करू शकतात.

Kwalee Hiring 2024: Apply here…

    Kwalee Off Campus Drive 2024 for Junior QA Tester Compensation & Benefits

    The design of our compensation and benefits revolves around a people-first philosophy. We have a supportive environment, with a strong focus on development and wellbeing. In structuring benefits across our offices, we adhere to core principles and align with local standards. Salaries are fairly benchmarked in accordance with background and skills, against industry and location standards. Our Talent Acquisition team will share more details with you as you progress in the recruitment process. They’re eager to connect with you and can’t wait to have a conversation!

    Source: Kwalee

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